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Issue 2014



P.1. Bulgarian Institute of Metrology – Part of the European Metrology System

Bulgarian Institute of Metrology – Part of the European Metrology System
1) Antoaneta Yovcheva 2) Valentin Starev
1) Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Sofia 1040, G. M. Dimitrov 52B Blvd., e-mail: 2) Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Sofia 1040, G. M. Dimitrov 52B Blvd, e-mail:
Abstract: This paper contains information about the place of the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM) within the frame of the European metrology system. The European metrology organizations in the fields of scientific and legal metrology are considered. Particular attention is paid to the new European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR), having considered its scope, modules, funding, eligibility criteria and the participation of BIM. In the field of legal metrology the amendments to the directives on measuring instruments and non-automatic weighing instruments arising from the New Legislative Framework have been reviewed.
Key-words: scientific metrology, legal metrology, EURAMET, EMPIR, WELMEC, Directive 2014/31/ЕС, Directive 2014/32/ЕС
Pages from: 13 to: 19
Language of the report: bulgarian
P.2. New Frames of Metrology

New Frames of Metrology
1) Roald Taymanov 2) Kseniia Sapozhnikova
1) D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, 19 Moskovsky pr., St.Petersburg, e-mail:; 2) D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, 19 Moskovsky pr., St.Petersburg, e-mail:
Abstract: Particular properties of metrology evolution are under consideration. Their reflection in terminology, measurement tasks, as well as in methods applied for development of measurement model and for data processing is discussed.
Key-words: metrology, measurement, measurement model, terminology
Pages from: 20 to: 25
Language of the report: russian
P.3. Robust estimation of experimental studies results

Robust estimation of experimental studies results
1) Volodarsky Е. 2) Koshevaja L.
1) Ukraine, Kiev, Bereznyakovskaya str., 26, apt. 256, e-mail: 2) Ukraine, Kiev, Kirovogradskaya str.,126, apt. 2, e-mail:
Abstract: Shows the effect of emissions which may arise in experimental studies, on accuracy the resulting estimates. Considered robust estimation methods, implementation of which takes into account all measurement results without exception. Accounting for all data allows you to choose the the corresponding normal distribution. This provides a reliable of statistical estimates, especially for small volume samples. Are given numerical data to confirm the efficiency of robust methods.
Key-words: robustness, anomalousness, emissions, interquartile range, the statistical reliability of the estimates
Pages from: 26 to: 30
Language of the report: russian


I.1. The essence of nature of measurement – basis for the formation of certain views on metrology

The essence of nature of measurement – basis for the formation of certain views on metrology
1) Vessela Konstantinova
1) Union of the metrologysit in Bulgaria, Sofia 100, 108 G.S. Rakovski, str. e-mail:
Abstract: This paper has been considered the measurement as an experimental process for obtaining values of quantyties of the various object properties. Based on contemporary views on the measurement has been present an attempt to define some common metrological principles (not exhaustive) that have been valid for the application of measurements in different areas of research and practice. A review of individual elements forming and formulating measurement highlights their essential meaning and the importance of the correct interpretation of the measurement processes could be support the distinguishing the "the measurement" of other research on the properties of the phenomena, bodies and substances.
Key-words: measurement, reference, quantity, quantity value, measuring system, standard, procedure of measurement, calibration, measurement result.
Pages from: 33 to: 39
Language of the report: bulgarian
I.2. Impact of Software and IT on Metrology

Impact of Software and IT on Metrology
1) Svetla Mirkova – Grozdanova
1) Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Sofia, G.M.Dimitrov Blvd. 52-B
Abstract: The report gives an overview of the development of specific applications with the introduction of software and information technology in metrology. The focus is on the principles and benefits, potential risks of application of software and IT. It presents best practices and experiences of other international organizations and metrology institutes in this field.
Key-words: measurement, software validation , remote calibration, internet metrology, remote instrument operation, traceability, uncertainty.
Pages from: 40 to: 46
Language of the report: bulgarian
I.3. Assessment of reliability of difficult technical structures of measuring instruments

Assessment of reliability of difficult technical structures of measuring instruments
1) Rannev G. 2) Tarasenko A. 3) Ulitenko K.Y.
1) Institute of information technologies. 107996, Russia, Moscow, Str. Pavla Korchagina, 22 2) Moscow state University of mechanical engineering (MAMI) 107023, Russia, Moscow, str. B.Semenovskaya, 38, 3) Moscow state University of mechanical engineering (MAMI) 107023, Russia, Moscow, str. B.Semenovskaya, 38,
Abstract: Most modern automated process control system applies to complex multifunctional reducing system, consisting of a large number of structurally separate elements, whose failure can lead to a deterioration of functioning and even impair performance of all functions automated process control system. A method for calculating the effective performance and reliability is exemplified by the calculation of the reliability of different variants of the structures excavation and transport processes in the quarries.
Key-words: automated process control system, a complex of technical means; communication line; checkpoint; equipment for collection of information; centralized structure; industrial controller; coefficient effective preparedness
Pages from: 47 to: 53
Language of the report: russian

1) Aleksandr A. Shestakov 2) Alevtina V. Keller 3) Minzilia A. Sagadeeva
1) FSBEU HPE «South Ural State University» (national research university), Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin avenue, 76, e-mail:, 2) FSBEU HPE «South Ural State University» (national research university), Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin avenue, 76, e-mail:, 3) FSBEU HPE «South Ural State University» (national research university), Russia, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin avenue, 76, e-mail:,
Abstract: Recently the application of mathematical results in solving technical problems becoming more extensive study area. An example of this approach is developed in recent years the optimal measurements theory. Namely, we present construction of the numerical solution for measurement of dynamically distorted signal with respect to the measuring transducer (MT) degradation. At the same time to improve the adequacy of the mathematical model of MT, the problem is considered under the assumption that the parameters MT may change over time, that allowed to describe the reduced sensitivity of elements MT. The report consists of three parts. In the first of them we describe the formulation of the optimal measurement problem and explain the meaning of the measurement of dynamically distorted signal. In the second part presents the results on the existence of the exact and the approximate solutions and their form. And we justify the convergence of the approximate solutions to the exact one. In the third part of the report numerical algorithm for constructing an approximate solution that gives the measurement of dynamically distorted signal.
Key-words: mathematical model of measuring transducer, optimal measure, dynamically distorted signal
Pages from: 54 to: 58
Language of the report: russian
I.5. Research of limits of applicability of a method of reduction when processing results of indirect measurements

Research of limits of applicability of a method of reduction when processing results of indirect measurements
1) M. V. Berzhinskaia 2) A. A. Danilov 3) K. I. Maltceva
1) Penza state university; Russia, Penza, St. Krasnaya, 40; e-mail: 2) Penza Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certificaion; Russia, Penza, St. Komsomolskaya, 20; e-mail: 3) Penza state university; Russia, Penza, St. Krasnaya, 40;
Abstract: Questions of processing of results of indirect measurements with correlation dependence between arguments of nominal nonlinear function of transformation of a measuring instrument are considered. Research is conducted by comparison of the results received by a method of reduction and the Monte-Carlo method, for some combinations of types of functions of density of distribution of probabilities and correlation coefficients.
Key-words: indirect measurements, Monte-Carlo method, method of reduction, measuring instrument
Pages from: 59 to: 63
Language of the report: russian
I.6. Design and technological methods of improvement of the accuracy of measurement for metrological traceability units impedance parameters in the range

Design and technological methods of improvement of the accuracy of measurement for metrological traceability units impedance parameters in the range
1) S.M. Shevkun 2) M.M. Surdu 3) O.M. Velychko 4) М.V. Dobroliubova
1) State Enterprise «All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Protection of Consumer», Kyiv, e-mail: 2) State Enterprise «All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Protection of Consumer», Kyiv, 3) State Enterprise «All-Ukrainian State Scientific and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Protection of Consumer», Kyiv, 4) National Technical University of Ukraine «KPI», Kyiv, e-mail:
Abstract: Design and technological methods of improvement of the accuracy of measurement for metrological traceability units impedance parameters in the range are considering in the paper.
Key-words: standard, inductance measure, divider, connection method.
Pages from: 64 to: 69
Language of the report: russian
I.7. Evalution of remote signal strength measurements in a multi -lines

Evalution of remote signal strength measurements in a multi -lines
1) Mikhail Prokof’ev 2) Vasilij Stechenko
1) Scientific Research Centre “TESIS” National Technical University «КPI», Pobedy avenue, 37, Kiev, Ukraine, е-mail: 2) Scientific Research Centre “TESIS” National Technical University «КPI», Pobedy avenue, 37, Kiev, Ukraine
Abstract: Displaying procedure for evaluating the probability of correct reception of units of information, depending on the signal / noise ratio for signals transmitted multiconductor lines.
Key-words: estimation of probability, the probability of correct reception of information; stranded line.
Pages from: 70 to: 74
Language of the report: russian


II.1. Actual Problems of Socio -Humanitarian Measurements : On the Path to Creative Media

Actual Problems of Socio -Humanitarian Measurements : On the Path to Creative Media
1) Vladimir Petrov
1) State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, e-mail:
Abstract: Growing role of creativity in various fields (science, technology, social life, art, etc.) needs appropriate “media.” In human sciences, due “Zeitgeist” would respond to multidisciplinarity, where the role of a “tuning fork” should be played by procedures of measurements. However, within each media, there exist certain obstacles preventing from optimality; they can be overcome by means derived in the framework of the systemicinformational approach.
Key-words: information, media, measurements, creativity, sociology, psychology, innovations.
Pages from: 77 to: 82
Language of the report: russian
II.2. Subjective Evaluations as a Measuring Instrument

Subjective Evaluations as a Measuring Instrument
1) Leonid Dorfman
1) Perm State Academy of Art and Culture, 18 Gazeta “Zvezda” Str., Perm, Russia, e-mail:
Abstract: Due to quantitative measurements, humanities approach to natural sciences. Substantial differences in basic measurement principles have no place in natural sciences. However measurements of subjective phenomena are out of this range. In the framework of metrology, measurements of subjective phenomena are of debatable character and under question. The paper attempts to analyze the subjective evaluations as a device or measuring instrument of subjective quantity. An emphasis is given to material and non-material quantities, subjective evaluations as a measuring instrument of subjective quantities. Attention is called to sensitivity, heterogeneity, selectivity, variation, and definitional uncertainty as basic properties of subjective evaluations. Besides, it gives rise to subjective evaluations as indicators of subjective quantities and measuring scales constructed on this ground. It is raised verification and reproducibility condition to test questionnaires as reliable, stable, and valid.
Key-words: Subjective quantity, subjective evaluations, measuring instrument, measuring transducer, sensor, sensitivity, selectivity.
Pages from: 83 to: 89
Language of the report: russian
II.3. Metrology as a factor of development of art

Metrology as a factor of development of art
1) Kseniia Sapozhnikova 2) Roald Taymanov
1) D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, 19 Moskovsky pr., St.Petersburg, 190005, Russia, e-mail: 2) D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, 19 Moskovsky pr., St.Petersburg, 190005, Russia, e-mail:
Abstract: Approaches applied in colour-light-sound compositions, are analyzed. A possibility and usefulness of the development of the measurement model reflecting the emotional reaction of people to colour-light-sound impacts is demonstrated. It is shown that it is necessary to use metrology within the frames of the science of arts.
Key-words: metrology, colour, light, sound, music, information
Pages from: 90 to: 95
Language of the report: russian
II.4. Objective Analysis Of Performance Style Parameters (On The Material Of Classical Music Of The East )

Objective Analysis Of Performance Style Parameters (On The Material Of Classical Music Of The East )
1) Violetta Iunusova 2) Alexander Kharuto
1) Doctor of Art, Professor of Department of foreign music history, The P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory , Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 13, Moscow, Russia. e-mail: 2) Ph.D. (tech), Assistant professor, Head of Department of musical informatics, The P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory , Bolshaya Nikitskaya Str. 13, Moscow, Russia. e-mail:
Abstract: The paper deals with traditional musical performance of classical music of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Some master performances of this branch have been compared, for example a phonogram of the famous Azerbaijani musician B. Mansurov who played one of the national classic music cycles on the string chordophone tar in 1960th, and of his pupil V. Rahimov (2012); recordings of famous Tadjik musician N. Aminov (1960th) and of M. Eshankulov (2013), now professor of Tadjik National Conservatory; they both played classic melodies on the string chordophone tanbour. The computer analysis shows a trend in pitch row structure and in the statistics of using of sound pitch stages, which showed up during the period 1960th–2012. It indicates changes in musical thinking of younger musicians who studied western music and played pianoforte in Conservatory. Precise computer analysis allowed to obtain objective parameters of this tradition trend.
Key-words: Computer sound analysis, sound pitch row, classical music of the East, tar, tan-bour, tradition, trend
Pages from: 96 to: 100
Language of the report: english
II.5. Measuring weak in fluences in socio -cultural sphere : Consequences of contacts with art

Measuring weak in fluences in socio -cultural sphere : Consequences of contacts with art
1) Vladimir Petrov 2) Lidia Mazhul
1) State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow e-mail: 2) State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow
Abstract: When measuring various kinds of social interactions, we usually deal with two principal obstacles: low value of the measurand and the multiplicity of parameters which produce their impacts together with the influence to be estimated. For such purposes, a method was derived, consisting in dividing the entire massif of respondents into pairs with close values of all parameters to be eliminated. Then for each pair, the values of the ‘influencing’ parameter (e.g., frequency of contacts with the given kind of art) and the ‘output’ parameter (e.g., the index of moral development of personality) are compared, and the ‘strength’ of influence is calculated. The ‘zest’ of the method is compiling pairs possessing minimal ‘integral difference’ over the eliminated parameters. Beside the mean value of ‘isolated influence,’ sometimes the direction of causal link can also be detrermined. The results of measurements can be used in sociological investigations, as well as in practice of social and cultural politics
Key-words: Social impact, art, causality, sociology, personal development, cultural politics
Pages from: 101 to: 106
Language of the report: english


III.1. Investigation of random errors estimating decision function coefficients influence on the amount of diagnostic information

Investigation of random errors estimating decision function coefficients influence on the amount of diagnostic information
1) Shchapov P.F. 2) Miguschenko R.P. 3) Kropachek O.Yu.
1) НТУ «ХПИ», Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21, e-mail: 2) НТУ «ХПИ», Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21, e-mail: 3) НТУ «ХПИ», Харьков, ул. Фрунзе, 21, e-mail:
Abstract: Functional diagnostics effectiveness determined by the adequacy of the actual decision-making statistical model to the diagnostic object properties when probabilistic models use. The main problem in this case is not only the proper selection of the model itself, but also in ensuring the displacements minimization in estimations for coefficients of the model. Such shift in the limited training samples almost disposable, but can be minimized by proper planning diagnostic experiment.
Key-words: Functional diagnostics, decision function, error, reliability, mean, variance.
Pages from: 109 to: 113
Language of the report: russian
III.2. About the potential measurement in inverse spectral problems

About the potential measurement in inverse spectral problems
1) Zakirova G.A. 2) Kirillov E.V.
1) South Ural State University, 76, Lenin ave, Chelyabinsk, e-mail: 2) South Ural State University, 76, Lenin ave, Chelyabinsk, e-mail:
Abstract: The problem of measuring the potential that arises in various fields of engineering sciences, is examined from the perspective of the resolvent method which was developed by VA Sadovnichiy and VV Dubrovsky. The report consists of three parts. The formulation of the potential measurement problem and the main results obtained in this direction are described in the first part. The idea of the resolvent method and the existence proof of the potential are described in the second one. The third part presents an algorithm to construct an approximate solution.
Key-words: potential, spectral problem, resolvent method.
Pages from: 114 to: 117
Language of the report: russian
III.3. Structural analysis of models of dynamic systems

Structural analysis of models of dynamic systems
1) Anatoly Gelonkin
1) University engineering-MAMI, Moscow, UL. B. Semenovskaya, 38. e-mail:
Abstract: the study of multifunctional systems appropriately phased modeling method that involves consistent use of simpler, compared to the full, models. Use the approksimacionnyh method to provide the source model in the form of degradation in the series, in the form of United model models; methods of identification; integral methods of reducing-order equation. Shows that the method description of dynamic processes of invariant reduced-order equation allows you to replace the elemental structure of almost any complexity aperiodičeskogo link
Key-words: analysis, synthesis, system, information, research, multi-channel, structure, modeling, differential, integral, a function.
Pages from: 118 to: 121
Language of the report: russian
III.4. The statistical synthesis of structural dimensions of space structures by

The statistical synthesis of structural dimensions of space structures by
1) Anatoly Gelonkin
1) University mechanical engineering-MAMI, Moscow, UL. B. Semenovskaya, 38. e-mail: .
Abstract: summary analysis of wave fields of different nature in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales are based on a certain way located groups of receivers or different configurations of antenna arrays. Fixing the level of spatial signal comes down to building multi-channel measuring systems. Synthesis of multichannel measuring system. The main types and principles of constructing antenna arrays (AR) distributed at registration of seismic waves. Detection of signals in noise method was used.
Key-words: analysis, synthesis, system, information, adaptive, multi-channel, antenna characteristics, distributed, the value of.
Pages from: 122 to: 125
Language of the report: russian
III.5. Algorithm of control of own metrological serviceability of the sensor of parameter with nonlinear function of transformation

Algorithm of control of own metrological serviceability of the sensor of parameter with nonlinear function of transformation
1) Наталья Мельничук 2) Семенов Семенов
1) ФБГОУ ВПО ЮУрГУ (НИУ), г. Челябинск пр.Ленина 76, e-mail: 2) ФБГОУ ВПО ЮУрГУ (НИУ), г. Челябинск пр.Ленина 76, e-mail:
Abstract: Metrological self-checking is one of the main signs of intelligent measuring converters. For its realization use of non-stationary character noise components at the exit of the sensor of parameter with nonlinear function of the transformation arising at a deviation of the current function of transformation from reference is possible. The paper describes possible methods of implementing metrological self for different types of transducers and the synthesis of the decision rule to determine the possible deterioration of the metrological characteristics of the primary device with a nonlinear transfer function.
Key-words: measuring transducer, metrological serviceability, transmission characteristic, decision rule, choice of hypotheses
Pages from: 126 to: 132
Language of the report: russian
III.6. Characteristics measuring of simulation algorithm of percolation

Characteristics measuring of simulation algorithm of percolation
1) R.Abdi 2) M.Yerokhin
1) KharkovNationalUniversity of Radio Electronics, 14 Leninaave., Kharkov, Ukraine, e-mail: 2) KharkovNationalUniversity of Radio Electronics, 14 Leninaave., Kharkov, Ukraine
Abstract: In this article the percolation model is investigated. We considered main features of percolation system and tasks which are solved while modelling such systems. There is an example of percolation system building and analyzing by means of its program implementation. There is an approach suggested for the task of efficiency parameters measuring associated with the features of algorithmic dependencies in program environment.
Key-words: percolation models, measuring, percolation cluster, percolation threshold, percolation lattice structure
Pages from: 133 to: 138
Language of the report: russian
III.7. Application modeling in eddy-current defectoscopy

Application modeling in eddy-current defectoscopy
1) Yurii Khomiak 2) Anton Slobodchuk 3) Svitlana Hloba 4) Grigory Suchkov 5) Iurii Khoroshailo
1) NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, e-mail: 2) NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, e-mail: 3) National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, e-mail:,, 4) NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, e-mail:, 5) Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, "Designing and exploatation of the elektronic devices", Lenin pr., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000, e-mail:
Abstract: The prospects of the use of eddy-current nondestructive testing. The advantages of eddy-current testing and application. The modeling of eddy-current surface probe. As a result of the simulation has been amply analyzed the influence of the orientation of the winding eddy-current probe relative to the defect and its depth to the signal in the measuring coil eddy-current probe.
Key-words: non-destructive testing, eddy-current testing, eddy-current probe, sensor, exciting coil , measuringcoil, surface defect, crack, modeling.
Pages from: 139 to: 143
Language of the report: russian
III.8. Initial -final problem for the measurement bending of a beam , which is elastic shell

Initial -final problem for the measurement bending of a beam , which is elastic shell
1) Sofya Aleksandrovna 2) Georgiy Anatolyevich 3) Dmitriy Yevgenyevich
1) South-Ural state university (national research university) Lenin ave., 76, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080, e-mail: 2) South-Ural state university (national research university) Lenin ave., 76, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080, e-mail: 3) South-Ural state university (national research university) Lenin ave., 76, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080, e-mail:
Abstract: Let in the space moving some object like I-beam which is elastic shell. Transverse loads applied to it base axis. We require two observations at the initial and final times to determine its bending at any intermediate time. Therefore we study the initial-final problem for the Hoff model considered in the space of smooth differential forms which defined on a smooth, compact, Riemannian and oriented manifold without boundary.
Key-words: initial-final problem, Sobolev type equations, Riemannian manifold without boundary
Pages from: 144 to: 147
Language of the report: russian
III.9. Measurement of magnitude of cross -section displacement in an elastic rod

Measurement of magnitude of cross -section displacement in an elastic rod
1) Alyona Zamyshlyaeva 2) Evgenii Bychkov 3) Olga Tsyplenkova
1) South Ural State University, Russia, Chelyabinsk, Lenin av., 76, SUSU, aud. 710, e-mail: 2) South Ural State University, Russia, Chelyabinsk, Lenin av., 76, SUSU, aud. 710, e-mail: 3) South Ural State University, Russia, Chelyabinsk, Lenin av., 76, SUSU, aud. 710, e-mail:
Abstract: This report will present the results of studies of several mathematical problem. The first one is the initial-final problem for linear Boussinesq – Love equation, the second one is the optimal control problem for the linear Boussinesq – Love mathematical model with initial-final or Showalter – Sidorov conditions. The third problem is the Showalter – Sidorov problem for the semilinear Boussinesq – Love mathematical model. The initial-final conditions are a generalization of the Showalter – Sidorov conditions, which are a generalization of the Cauchy conditions. As it is known , the Cauchy problem for the Sobolev-type equations is nonsolvable in principle for arbitrary initial values. In this paper, the phase space method, developed by G.A. Sviridyuk, theory relatively polynomially bounded operator bundles, developed by AA Zamyshlyaeva, and the theory of differential Banach manifolds are used.
Key-words: the Sobolev-type equations, optimal control, the mathematical model of longitudinal waves in an elastic rod, the initial-final problem, the Showalter – Sidorov problem
Pages from: 148 to: 154
Language of the report: russian
III.10. Preliminary statistical analysis of the measurement results obtained with ground pennetrating radar

Preliminary statistical analysis of the measurement results obtained with ground pennetrating radar
1) Martin Ivanov 2) Georgi Petrov
1) Department Informatics, NBU, Sofia, Montevideo 21 str, e-mail: 2) Department Telecommunications, NBU, Sofia, Montevideo 21 str, e-mail:
Abstract: The report presented the results of the use of complex probabilistic methodology for statistical analysis and clustering of results from geo-radar measurements. The methods used are applied to the output data and on their performance by autocorrelation, and by private autocorrelation functions, as well as by FFT analysis.
Key-words: GPR, statistical signal processing
Pages from: 155 to: 158
Language of the report: bulgarian



1) Bekhtin Y.S. 2) Lupachev A.A. 3) Sapelkin I.V. 4) Tang Taik Y
1) Ryazan State Radio Engineering Univesity, Ryazan, Russia, e-mail: 2) National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Keasnokazarmennaya st. 14, e-mail: 3) National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Keasnokazarmennaya st. 14, e-mail: 4) National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Keasnokazarmennaya st. 14, e-mail:
Abstract: Considers methods for correcting the dynamic characteristics of the inertial measuring circuit of the сonverter based on scaling signal the transition process in the chain caused speed impact. It is shown, that at realization of the scale by level of the signal, and it is possible to implement two management strategies: software task duration of the regime of forcing and information feedback. The last strategy allows you to build an optimal control while minimizing the difference between the valuation of the asymptotes of the transition process and its current value in the mode of forcing.
Key-words: measuring circuit, correction of dynamic characteristics, the analysis of the transition process, forcing the signal, assessment of efficiency boost, information feedback.
Pages from: 161 to: 168
Language of the report: russian
IV.2. Complex of working special measurement standards for metrological ensuring measurements at experimental research of aircraft

Complex of working special measurement standards for metrological ensuring measurements at experimental research of aircraft
1) Y. Kartashev. 2) A. Samoylenko
1) Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, 1 Zhukovsky Street, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation, 2) Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, 1 Zhukovsky Street, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation,
Abstract: In this report the description of a complex of working special measurement standards of TsAGI intended for metrological ensuring measurements at experimental research of aircraft is given.
Key-words: measurement standard, accreditation, calibration, verification, aircraft.
Pages from: 169 to: 174
Language of the report: russian
IV.3. Development of a special measurement standard of weight, center of gravity coordinates and the inertia moment for statement of type tests of measuring instruments of mass and inertial characteristics of products

Development of a special measurement standard of weight, center of gravity coordinates and the inertia moment for statement of type tests of measuring instruments of mass and inertial characteristics of products
1) O. Dovydenko. 2) V. Petronevich 3) A. Samoylenko
1) Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, 1 Zhukovsky Street, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation, 2) Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, 1 Zhukovsky Street, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation, 3) Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky, 1 Zhukovsky Street, TsAGI, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russian Federation,
Abstract: In this report questions of development of the special measurement standard intended for statement of type tests, verification and calibration of measuring instruments of weight, center of gravity coordinates and the inertia moments of aircraft are considered.
Key-words: Center of gravity coordinates, inertia moment, weight, measurement standard, calibration, verification
Pages from: 175 to: 180
Language of the report: russian

1) Y.N. Evlanov 2) A.A.Shatokhin
1) MPEI (TU), 111250 Moscow, Krasnokazarmennya St.14, 2) MPEI (TU), 111250 Moscow, Krasnokazarmennya St.14, e-mail:
Abstract: The principles of construction and functionality of precision microelectronic temperature sensors with digital output are considered
Key-words: microelectronic sensors, temperature, precision, microcontroller
Pages from: 181 to: 184
Language of the report: russian
IV.5. Capacitive ultrasonic transducer for measurement and monitoring

Capacitive ultrasonic transducer for measurement and monitoring
1) Suchkov Grigoriy 2) Nozdrachova Katerina 3) Chunikhina Tetiana
1) National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" – NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002, 2) NTU "KhPI", "Devices and methods of non-destructive testing", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002,, person_nozdrachova.html 3) NTU "KhPI", "Informational-measuring technologies and systems", Frunze str., 21, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002,,
Abstract: The capacitance method of ultrasonic testing and the capacitive transducer is considered. Shows the importance of the development and practical application of non-contact capacitive ultra-sonic NDT method. Shows a simplified diagram of a capacitive type transducer, and the block dia-gram of which experiments were conducted. Shows the results of research implementation of this method of ultrasonic testing. The analysis of the relevance and feasibility of this method.
Key-words: non-destructive testing, ultrasonic testing, the capacitive transducer, piezoelectric trans-ducer, acoustic pulse, defect, defectoscope, the charge density.
Pages from: 185 to: 188
Language of the report: russian
IV.6. Analysis of the methodical error components of the transit -time ultrasonic liquid flowmeter

Analysis of the methodical error components of the transit -time ultrasonic liquid flowmeter
1) Gerasimov S. I.
1) NRU «MPEI», 111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14, +7(915)4258950,
Abstract: The paper provides an analysis of the individual factors are often not considered in practice, that may lead to appearance of a liquid flow measurement error by the transit-time method. Some of the components of this error due to difference the real cross-sectional profile of the pressure pipeline from a circular shape, the deposits accumulation on the inner walls of the pipe and disregard the existence of dependence of an ultrasound velocity from the fluid temperature are considered. The analytical expressions for the evaluation of these error components are presented. Found that in some instances the error is comparable or much higher than the basic normalized error for such meters.
Key-words: transit-time method, flow, measurement error, ultrasound velocity, sediments, pressure pipeline, cross-sectional profile.
Pages from: 189 to: 195
Language of the report: russian
IV.7. Film mem brane gas sensors with a layer of nanostructured anodic alumina

Film mem brane gas sensors with a layer of nanostructured anodic alumina
1) K. Chernyakova 2) I. Vrublevsky 3) V. Videkov
1) Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus, 2) Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus,, 3) University of Technology Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria,,
Abstract: The construction of semiconductor gas sensor with a dielectric membrane and a layer of nanostructured anodic Al2O3 is considered. The parameters of the manufacturing process of the film gas sensors on the anodic Al2O3 are presented.
Key-words: Semiconductor gas sensor, dielectric membrane, nanostructured anodic alumina
Pages from: 196 to: 199
Language of the report: russian
IV.8. Investigation of the AC amplifier with Bootstrap Topology

Investigation of the AC amplifier with Bootstrap Topology
1) Rosen Bozhilov 2) Tsvetana Grigorova
1) TU-Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, Departments of Electronics, Plovdiv, 63 Sankt Petersburg, blvd, e-mail: 2) TU-Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, Departments of Electronics, Plovdiv, 63 Sankt Petersburg, blvd, e-mail:
Abstract: When it is amplified, the signal from high impedance AC source the traditional approaches cannot ensure the increased metrological requirements as ultra-high common mode input impedance and low noises. To overcome these drawbacks a AC amplifier with bootstrap topology is used. The paper presents the investigation of the common mode input impedance and the experimental and simulation results show a strong dependence of the input impedance from the defining circuit elements. It is proof that at a given frequency of the input signal, the values of the circuit elements can be optimized so as to obtain the common mode input impedance of tens of using values of the circuit resistors which do not exceed 10МΩ. The analysis results are confirmed by computer simulations. A good agreement between experimental and simulation results is received.
Key-words: common mode input impedance, bootstrap AC amplifier, PSpice modeling
Pages from: 200 to: 206
Language of the report: bulgarian


V.1. Autogenerating methods and instruments for measuring physical quantities

Autogenerating methods and instruments for measuring physical quantities
1) Polulyah K. S. 2) Topolov I. I.
1) NTU «KPI», Kharkiv, 21, Frunze str. 2) NTU «KPI», Kharkiv, 21, Frunze str., e-mail:
Abstract: Rational choice substantiated informative parameter in self-oscillating converters. The questions of theory and calculation bigeneratornyh converters and algorithms for their work. Recommendations applications bigeneratornyh displacement transducers in the frequency output signal makes it possible for their specific properties. A method for determining the number of steps and the sampling error estimates for bigeneratornyh transducers, the study and control of industrial processes.
Key-words: Inverters, Converters Autogenerating, bigeneratornye converters, non-linearity characteristics of transformation method of calculating parameters of the circuit, generator, oscillating circuit mikroprotsesor, conversion algorithm, the limit test.
Pages from: 209 to: 214
Language of the report: russian
V.2. Measurement of parameters and automated quality control of cooling and power generation thermoelectric modules

Measurement of parameters and automated quality control of cooling and power generation thermoelectric modules
1) Nefedov S.V. 2) Rannev G.G.
1) МSUME (MAMI), Moscow, str. B.Semenovskaya, 38, 2) IIT, Moscow, Str. Pavla Korchagina, 22,
Abstract: This report substantiates the necessity of a unified approach to measurement quality control in the production of semiconductor thermoelectric products. The author describes the characteristics of measuring systems that allow to control the quality of main stages of the process of production of thermoelectric modules and parameters of modules. Special attention is given to high productivity of these systems, ensuring the continuous control of parameters in conditions of serial production that is not provided currently existing similar systems.
Key-words: Metrology, measurement, measuring systems, thermoelectricity, quality control, thermoelectric modules, Peltier efficiency.
Pages from: 215 to: 220
Language of the report: russian
V.3. Investigation of nano -ferrofluid materials

Investigation of nano -ferrofluid materials
1) Valentin Mateev 2) Aneliya Terzova 3) Iliana Marinova
1) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8 e-mail: 2) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8 e-mail: 3) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8 e-mail:
Abstract: In this paper three methods for determination of magnetic characteristics of nano-ferrofluid materials are applied. The first method is based on change of coil inductance, when inves-tigated specimen is placed. The second method is based on measuring of electromagnetic force acting on sample, placed in magnetic field. The third method is based on ballistic method for inves-tigation of ferromagnetic material. Three types of nano-ferrofluid materials are investigated. Results for magnetic characteristics, relative magnetic permeability and viscosity of ferrofluid are obtained.
Key-words: nano-ferrofluid materials, magnetic characteristics, magnetic permeability
Pages from: 221 to: 227
Language of the report: bulgarian
V.4. Measurement of the fundamental frequency of the tram cart by quad sensor inertial system

Measurement of the fundamental frequency of the tram cart by quad sensor inertial system
1) Rosen Miletiev 2) Emil Iontchev 3) Emil Mihaylov 4) Rumen Yordanov
1) Technical University of Sofia, 2) Higher School of Transport “T. Kableshkov”, 3) Higher School of Transport “T. Kableshkov”, 4) Technical University of Sofia,
Abstract: This document presents the method for determination of the fundamental frequency of the tram frame and the forced frequencies caused by the diagonally symmetric forces during the wheel jump from the casual railway falling and raising. This method is proposed to determine the reasons of the appearance of cracks in the tram cart binders. The method is based on the measurement of the linear accelerations and angular rate in all three axes in the region of the axle box suspension. All accelerations are measured by quad sensor system and the data are processed by the MATLAB script. The obtained results show that the measured fundamental frequency is much closed to the theoretical value.
Key-words: inertial sensors, tram cart
Pages from: 228 to: 233
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Rosen Bozhilov
1) TU-Sofia, Plovdiv, 63 Sankt Petersburg, blvd, e-mail:
Abstract: Turbidimeters are calibrated or verified using different standards depending on the measurement technologies, instrument design, operating range, accuracy, environment etc. Other than the Primary turbidity standard (defined by ISO 7027), Stabilized Formazin standard, secondary or alternative turbidity standards can be used. The paper presents comparison between the different turbidity standards in cross-reference with Primary formazin standard.
Key-words: Turbidity measurement ; Primary, Secondary or Alternative turbidity standards.
Pages from: 234 to: 239
Language of the report: bulgarian
V.6. Video Motion Detection Algorithm Using Multiple CCTV Cameras

Video Motion Detection Algorithm Using Multiple CCTV Cameras
1) George Popov
1) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8, email
Abstract: Security systems based on video motion detection gain an important role in volumetric and perimeter protection. Their main advantage is that they are being integrated with existing video surveillance systems, i.e. they are using common modules. These systems have a high coefficient of detection Pd, but unfortunately the coefficient of false alarms Pf is too high. In the present article is shown an example with protection of an object using budget video components and there is achieved a good performance of detection (Pd is high and Pf is low) in protection of one area by two video cameras.
Key-words: Video Motion Detection, DVR, CCTV camera, IP camera, security system, outdoor protection.
Pages from: 240 to: 244
Language of the report: english



1) Boris Mihaylov
1) SPECTRI Ltd., 30 “Teodosii Tarnovski” str., Sofia,,
Abstract: In the recent document, one could find an overview of the main accents related to vibration diagnostics topic – as it concerns status, main issues, and prospects.
Key-words: Vibration, vibration status, vibration diagnostics, measurement of vibrations, monitoring of vibrations
Pages from: 247 to: 249
Language of the report: bulgarian
VI.2. News in the domain of noise and vibration - from SPECTRI Ltd .

News in the domain of noise and vibration - from SPECTRI Ltd .
1) Boris Mihaylov 2) Tatiana Georgieva
1) SPECTRI Ltd., 30, “St. T. Turnovski” Str., Sofia,, 2) SPECTRI Ltd., 30, “St. T. Turnovski” Str., Sofia,,
Abstract: In the recent paper are presented as general overview the SPECTRI Ltd. activity and related news – in first half of 2013. The new areas of SPECTRI Ltd. development are briefly presented – as activity, market presence, new produced and distributed products and solutions, and as well related to the systematic maintained company’s expert capacity. Realized projects. SPECTRI Ltd. continues in an organized and systematic way its development as national center of competence in the field of noise and vibration.
Key-words: Noise, vibration, SPECTRI Ltd., WEBNOISE, Brüel & Kjær, PCH Engineering
Pages from: 250 to: 255
Language of the report: bulgarian
VI.3. Sound and vibration news from Brūel & Kjær. Pulse further development. Presenting Pulse Reflex concept - BRŪEL & KJÆR

Sound and vibration news from Brūel & Kjær. Pulse further development. Presenting Pulse Reflex concept - BRŪEL & KJÆR
1) Torben Munk 2) Борис Михайлов
1) 307, Skodsborgvei – DK-2850 Naerum, Denmark – Bruel & Kjaer, 2) СПЕКТРИ ЕООД, ул. „Теодосий Търновски“ 30, София,,
Abstract: This paper gives information re. latest Bruel & Kjaer development and achievements. A stress is put on several on-going measurement platforms releases – as (1.1.) New 2250/2270 application packages; (1.2.) New 2270 2-channel platform; (2) Released new PULSE 18, and subsequent product applications – (2.1) Field and Indoor “Pass by”; (2.2) Moving Source Identification; (3) New Pulse Reflex release: (3.1.) Pulse RTeflex Modal Analysis; (3.2.) Pulse Reflex Finite Elements interfaces; (3.3.) Pulse Reflex correlation analysis.
Key-words: Sound, noise, vibration, Bruel & Kjaer, PULSE.
Pages from: 256 to: 259
Language of the report: bulgarian
VI.4. Overview and comparison of calibration systems and the applicability of international standards

Overview and comparison of calibration systems and the applicability of international standards
1) Boris Mihaylov 2) Tatyana Georgieva
1) SPECTRI Ltd., Sofia, 30, T. Turnovski str,, (URL) 2) SPECTRI Ltd., Sofia, 30, T. Turnovski str,, (URL)
Abstract: This paper presents and analyzes systems for primary and secondary calibration based on a Type 3630 Brüel & Kjær and applicability of international standards for calibration of sound level meters, octave filters, microphones and acoustic analyzers according to IEC 60651, IEC60804, IEC 61094, IEC 61672.
Key-words: Calibration, systems for calibration of sound level meters, microphones
Pages from: 261 to: 265
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Boris Mihaylov
1) SPECTRI Ltd., 30, “St. T. Turnovski” Str., Sofia,,
Abstract: In the recent paper is presented an overall information, and are highlighted intermittent results re. the started in 2012 research and development SPECTRI integrated portal approach for on-line monitoring and internet access to Brüel & Kjær environmental noise monitoring equipment, and as well to other environmental and process parameters. The on-line monitoring system is realized based on several Brüel & Kjær outdoor microphones’ based terminals, and a further interfacing to the own Spectri hardware (Spectri data logger) and software development products, integrated in portal The result is an ongoing self-actualizing and publically accessible data base, source for professional noise management policy. Realized projects. The hardware and software tools are sourced both from SPECTRI Ltd., and its partner Brüel & Kjær - Denmark. The total project realization is realised by the leading Bulgarian company in the field of acoustical and vibration engineering.
Key-words: Noise, noise behavior, noise measurements, noise monitoring, cloud solution. WEBNOISE, ESMU.
Pages from: 266 to: 273
Language of the report: bulgarian
VI.6. Con figuration, implementation and practical conclusions in building a system for continuous vibration monitoring of industrial machinery and facilities

Con figuration, implementation and practical conclusions in building a system for continuous vibration monitoring of industrial machinery and facilities
1) Boris Mihaylov 2) Milcho Georgiev
1) SPECTRI Ltd, Sofia, 30, T. Tarnovski str.,, (URL) 2) TU-Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski str.,
Abstract: This paper presents the configuration of a system for continuous vibration monitoring of industrial systems and facilities, and practical system implementation based on the new product range Vibration control PCH1420 in cooperation with partner for Spectri Ltd - Vibration monitoring PCH Engineering A/S. Concept is defined in configuration PCH1420 based system, selection and location of measuring points and configuration parameters. Working evaluate the accuracy of measurement in both the control points is performed with the system PULSE Reflex 3560-B of Brüel & Kjær.
Key-words: Vibration, Noise, Vibration and Noise measurement, Monitoring, Vibration Control
Pages from: 274 to: 279
Language of the report: bulgarian
VI.7. Noise and Vibration education . Experience and good practice – by Brūel & Kjær Universit y – Denmark , and SPECTRI Ltd . - Bulgaria

Noise and Vibration education . Experience and good practice – by Brūel & Kjær Universit y – Denmark , and SPECTRI Ltd . - Bulgaria
1) Boris Mihaylov
1) SPECTRI Ltd., 30, “St. T. Turnovski” Str., Sofia,,
Abstract: In the recent document, one could find general information re. regular educational programme in noise and vibration field – maintained by Brūel & Kjær University – Denmark, and SPECTRI Ltd. – Bulgaria.
Key-words: noise, vibrations, education
Pages from: 280 to: 282
Language of the report: bulgarian


VII.1. Uncertainty of the test results of biomedical equipment

Uncertainty of the test results of biomedical equipment
1) Burichenko M. 2) Bulyhina O. 3) Dvornik M. 4) Ivanets O. 5) KucherenkovV. 6) Sobova S.
1) Ukraine, 04050, Kiev, Pimonenko str., 3, apt. 43, e-mail: 2) Ukraine, 03058, Kiev, Garmatnaya str.,55, apt. 9, e-mail: 3) Ukraine, 03094, Kiev, Zodchih str.,18, apt. 99, e-mail: 4) Ukraine, 08152, Boyarka, Voroshilova str.,5 e-mail: 5) Ukraine, 03058, Kiev, Nejinskaya str.,12, apt. 412, e-mail: 6) Ukraine, 04114, Kiev, Dubrovetskaya str.,3, apt. 93, e-mail:
Abstract: As a biomedical equipment is considered an infusion pump for infusion. Presents an analysis of the test results of infusion pumps. Uncertainty of test results revealed injectate volume and speed of delivery. The principles of the calculation accuracy of infusion pumps according to international standards. These formulas for calculation accuracy of dannyah infusion pumps
Key-words: test, infusion pump, speed of delivery of the solution, uncertainty of the results, volume of the solution
Pages from: 285 to: 289
Language of the report: russian
VII.2. Biomedical Hardware -software complex measuring differential pressure in the maxillary sinus

Biomedical Hardware -software complex measuring differential pressure in the maxillary sinus
1) I. Zakharov 2) A.Yerokhin 3) A.Nechyporenko 4) O.Garyuk 5) K. Klimova
1) Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14 Lenina ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2) Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14 Lenina ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 3) Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14 Lenina ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 4) Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 58 Korchagintsev str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 5) Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14 Lenina ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Abstract: The given work devoted to development software and hardware complex for measuring the pressure in the maxillary sinus. The behavior of the air pressure in the maxillary sinus for nasal breathing in norm was investigated. The characteristics of the air flow in the maxillary sinus and nasopharynx were analyzed.
Key-words: pressure measurement, the maxillary sinus, software and hardware, the expanded uncertainty
Pages from: 290 to: 294
Language of the report: russian

1) Y. E. Megely 2) V. A Shigimaga 3) I. I. Kalimanova 4) A. I. Rubalka 5) A. A. Torba
1) Kharkiv Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture St. Artema 44, city Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: 2) Institute of Animal HAAH, Kharkov district, village Kharkov district, village. Kulinichi Street. 7th Guards Army, 3, e-mail:: 3) TU-Sofia, Blvd. Cl. Ohridski 8, e-mail: 4) KHNURE, Lenin Av. 14, city Kharkiv, Ukraine, 5) KHNURE, Lenin Av. 14, city Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: august@kture khakov.uа
Abstract: The article considers the option of a hardware implementation of the method of pulse con-ductometry for determining the parameters of the electromagnetic field in the evaluation of modes of elektromonipulation that allows realizing of a reversible electroporation process control in the au-tomated mode.
Key-words: напряженность ИЭП, аппаратура. pulse conductometry, electropores, electroporation, cells conductivity, tension IEP, equipment.
Pages from: 295 to: 299
Language of the report: russian
VII.4. Adaptive Stereo Vision System on FPGA

Adaptive Stereo Vision System on FPGA
1) Spirov Rosen 2) Grancharova Neli 3) Angelov Georgi
1) TU-Varna, 9010, Studentska str1, e-mail,, 2) TU-Varna, 9010, Studentska str1, e-mail, 3) TU-Varna, 9010, Studentska str1, e-mail,
Abstract: This document presents the design of adaptive stereo TV tracking system for dynamic objects, with precise positioning and working in real time based on FPGA technology. The article provides a brief overview and defines the issues in the field of video systems and their application in EVS board complexes. Analysis emphasizes the peculiarities of the human vision and the possibilities for building systems with artificial vision, image processing and recognition. Using single-layer neural structure and process of teaching becomes possible modeling the behavior of the visual system. Using the stereo method to give greater uniformity of the image in the depth.
Key-words: FPGA, EVS, Image Processing, Stereovision, TV, Robots
Pages from: 300 to: 306
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.5. A system for long -lasting measurement of physical parameters of the environment

A system for long -lasting measurement of physical parameters of the environment
1) Georgi Shterev 2) Milen Dinev
1) Technical University – Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, 2) Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD,
Abstract: The long-lasting measurement and registering a huge amount of data for basic physical environmental parameters, made in unpopulated areas or areas with limited energy resources, helps to analyze the processes in the environment and to define a lot of consecutive connections, which are result of the human influence on the nature. The paper describes a system developed by the authors for long-lasting measurement of physical environmental parameters – atmospheric pressure, temperature (external and internal for the system itself), humidity and wind speed, using a programmable logical microcontroller for sensor data acquisition and a virtual instrument for LabVIEW environment. The system allows measurement of the above mentioned parameters in remote areas as well as in laboratory conditions.
Key-words: monitoring of the environment; sensors for pressure, humidity, temperature, wind speed; virtual instrument in LabVIEW environment
Pages from: 307 to: 311
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Nesho Toshkov 2) Mariya Dushkova 3) Apostol Simitchiev 4) Clothilde Vannier
1) University of Food Technologies, Department of Process Engineering, e-mail: 2) University of Food Technologies, Department of Process Engineering, 3) University of Food Technologies, Department of Machines and Apparatus in the food industry” 4) Institut Universitaire de Technologie, Bourg-en-Bresse, France
Abstract: Extrusion of corn semolina with added dry whey protein isolate using a single screw laboratory extruder "BRABENDER 20 DN" was carried out. The effect of the amount of added whey protein and moisture content of the mixture on the density and expansion index using a full factorial experiment was investigated. The most important effect on the expansion index and density of the extrudates has the initial moisture content. The expansion index decreases and the density increases with an increase in moisture and protein content.
Key-words: density, expansion index, corn, whey protein isolate
Pages from: 312 to: 316
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Nesho Toshkov
1) University of Food Technologies; Department of Process Engineering; 26, Maritza Blvd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria; e-mail:
Abstract: Blend of soybean grouts and wheat semolina was extruded using a single-screw laboratory extruder “BRABENDER 20 DN“ (Germany) with a screw diameter of 20 mm and a die nozzle diameter of 3 mm, in order to obtain an aquafeed. The effect of the feed moisture content, the die temperature, the screw speed and the degree of compression of the basic screw on the main extrusion processing parameters was investigated. During the experiments, the speed of the dosing screw was fixed at 70 min-1, the temperature in the first zone was 120°С and in the second zone was 160°С.
Key-words: extrusion, fish feed, extruder parameters, modeling, screw revolutions
Pages from: 317 to: 323
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) N.G. Toshkov 2) V.B. Nenov 3) A.T. Simitchiev
1) University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv, 4000, e-mail: 2) University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv, 4000 3) University of Food Technologies – Plovdiv, 4000
Abstract: Brabender “20 DN” (Germany) laboratory single screw extruder with 20 mm diameter of screw, was used for the production feeds with constant protein level of 32%, which is standard for growing up carp, differs in fundamental physical properties (density and expansion index). Both types of extruded feed were of the type floating and sinking, and are produced under different extrusion conditions - temperature and pressure. The influence of extrusion conditions on the basic physical and functional food properties of growing up carp was investigated
Key-words: extrusion, fish feed, extruder parameters, expansion index, density, floating, sinking.
Pages from: 324 to: 328
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.9. On The Ambiguity Of The Digita lized Record ings Of Dynamic Actions In Sport

On The Ambiguity Of The Digita lized Record ings Of Dynamic Actions In Sport
1) Vihren Bachev 2) Marin Gadev 3) Zdravko Arakchisy 4) Bl. Тraykova 5) Orlin Groshev 6) Pavel Yordanov 7) Alexander Tatsov
1) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 2) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 3) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 4) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 5) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia, 6) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 7) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia
Abstract: The problem of finding suitable applicable solutions concerning the change in the real configuration of an analogous curve while recording dynamic activities has been studied for a long time. In our research work we had to deal with a similar problem when we created a software product - SpringRS, related to the research work on a three-component tenso-metric platform. The aim of the research is to create a software product able to meet the theoretical and practical requirements in order to specify the acceptable ambiguity in the graphic presentation and reading of digital recordings of dynamic actions in sport received by the three-component tenso-metric platform. The created apparatus methodology, the adequate software provision and specified ambiguity of digitalized recordings of dynamic actions in sport, have allowed for a number of tests to be done, and criteria to be established for the qualitative evaluation of sport facilities at the start, in sprint running, in jumping and throwing events, in different training stages and conditions.
Key-words: measurement, reaction to support, tenso-metric platform, ambiguity.
Pages from: 329 to: 333
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.10. A quantitative approach for studying the sport technique in sprint running

A quantitative approach for studying the sport technique in sprint running
1) Marin Gadev 2) Alexander Naumovsky 3) Stanka Milanova 4) Ganka Ivanova 5) Plamen Niagin 6) Orlin Groshev 7) Pavel Yordanov
1) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 2) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 3) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 4) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 5) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 6) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia 7) National Sport Academy „Vassil Levski” – Sofia
Abstract: There have been a lot of studies and publications on the quantitative approach for studying the sport technique in sprint running for some time now. We would like to add to them the results from our experimental work related to partial and integral criteria for quantitative evaluation of sport technique in sports connected with speed and speed strength manifestation. The aim of the research is to create quantitative criteria for the study and evaluation of sport technique in sprint running by means of the analysis of quantitative values of indicators measured at the third step after the start. On the basis of the experimental studies, a big number of indexes, criteria and indicators have been established for the study of sport technique, and they are used for the development of partial and integral criteria for quantitative evaluation at the start in athletics sprint running.
Key-words: measurement, partial and integral criteria, sprint running
Pages from: 334 to: 341
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.11. Metrological requirements for the development of “agility” test

Metrological requirements for the development of “agility” test
1) Vihren Batchev 2) Boyan Zlatev
1) National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia, Studentski grad, e-mail: 2) Master-student, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia, Studentski grad, e-mail:
Abstract: Motor quality of people, one of which is agility, are referred to as latent signs, which are measured indirectly through motor tests. The development of similar tests is a function of the implementation of a number of requirements, to which those connected with metrology naturally belong. In particular this applies to the accuracy, reliability and error in measurement, control, reproduction and evaluation based on the results of the persons tested. In line with this methodological basis a test consisting of the following elements was developed by us: a forward roll, running, jumping and passage. In its approbation with a group of students from 11th grade we reached the conclusion that it is appropriate in measuring the motor quality "agility".
Key-words: agility, students, measurement, evaluation, control
Pages from: 342 to: 345
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.12. Daylight saving time - health impact analysis based on statistical results from a health database

Daylight saving time - health impact analysis based on statistical results from a health database
1) Iliya Pendzhurov 2) Polina Mihova
1) Health and social work department, NBU, Sofia, Montevideo str 21, 2) Health and social work department, NBU, Sofia, Montevideo str 21,
Abstract: The daylight saving time and myocardial infarction, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2008, found that the incidence of heart attacks rose strongly in the first three days after the transition to daylight saving time in the spring. Another study published in Current Biology in 2007 points out that changing the system day and night in the human body does not adjust to the rotation of the clock and seasonal adaptation to changing the length of time the light is broken by the summer time. Another similar survey from 2008 analyzes the relationship between daylight saving time and overall health, especially mental such as linking the rotation of the clock forward in the summer with an increase in suicides. This paper aims to present an analysis of data derived from real- functioning information system designed for the needs of Emergency center Sofia - an area that registers data from 13 municipalities. For the purpose of the study was made a statement indicating that the total number of calls for the week after the change of time is approximately with 13% increase - a number very close to the data of American, Australian, Swiss and French physicians, involved in such investigations.
Key-words: information system, health database, health
Pages from: 346 to: 350
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.13. Evaluation of safety during a shooting training session

Evaluation of safety during a shooting training session
1) Plamen Dotchevsky 2) Ivan Atchkakanov
1) Postal address: National sports academy “Vassil Levsky”, Sofia, Studentski grad,, 2) Postal address: National sports academy “Vassil Levsky”, Sofia, Studentski grad,,
Abstract: When using shooting weapons, safety is always a basic requirement. This refers equally to all involved, from beginners to elite competitors and military professionals. That is why control of this process which includes providing the necessary conditions, evaluation of the efficiency of their practical application, is an important topic for research. Our expert research has been done along these lines. It has allowed us to analyze the rules and to take concrete methodological steps for the evaluation of safety during shooting training sessions.
Key-words: shooting training sessions, safety, evaluation, results, analysis
Pages from: 351 to: 355
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.14. Female Athlete Triad

Female Athlete Triad
1) Valentin Valtchev 2) Petranka Chumpalova
1) Department of Physiology and Biochemistry NSA, Sofia, 2) Clinic of Psychiatry for Women, MU Pleven,
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of the components of the Female athlete triad – disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. Materials and Methods: We studied 100 women ranged in age from 18 to 34 years, 50 of them were not athletes (control group) and 50 athletes. Each participant completed questionnaires assessing eating behavior, we used detailed questionnaire to identified menstrual dysfunction and measured bone mineral density with osteodensitometry. Results: Eating disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis individually were with greater incidence in female athletes, compared with the control group. "Athletic triad" with all three components are more common in active sports women, compared with the control group.
Key-words: “Female athlete triad”, women athletes, low energy availability, amenorrhea, osteoporosis.
Pages from: 356 to: 359
Language of the report: bulgarian
VII.15. The influence of family history and skin moisture predisposes to occurrence and development of onychomycosis in professional soccer players

The influence of family history and skin moisture predisposes to occurrence and development of onychomycosis in professional soccer players
1) Valentin Valtchev 2) Ivelina Yordanova 3) Petranka Chumpalova 4) Dimitar Gospodinov
1) Department of Physiology and Biochemistry NSA, Sofia, 2) Department of Dermatology and venereology MU, Pleven, 3) Clinic of Psychiatry for Women, 5800 Pleven, 4) Department of Dermatology and venereology MU, Pleven,
Abstract: The aim of the study was to investigate the family history of onychomycosis and moisture of the skin for the development of onychomycosis in professional athletes. Materials and Methods: There were studied 79 men soccer players: 28 from group "A" and 51 from group "B" of Bulgarian Professional Soccer League. The players ranged in age from 16 to 34 years. Measurement of skin moisture every athlete is committed to Hydrosensor®. We used detailed questionnaire to identified family history of onychomycosis of feet. Results: We found statistical dependence between the increased moisture of feet and the occurence of onychomycosis in all proffesional soccer players. Investigated the relationship between the occurence of onychomycosis in players who have family history of onychomycosis. We found increased prevalence of onychomycosis among players.
Key-words: onychomycosis, soccer players, family history, moisture of the skin
Pages from: 360 to: 362
Language of the report: bulgarian



1) Makarychev P.K. 2) Sapelkin I.V. 3) Borovsky A.I.
1) NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14, 2) NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14, 3) NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14,
Abstract: Abnormal phenomena in networks are detected by power quality (PQ) recorders, which are produced by several well-known companies: Fluke, Chauvin Arnoux, Circutor, Dranetz, etc. They are feature-rich, relatively expensive devices. This paper concerns optimization of the cost of designed power quality recorders for various purposes. This paper describes the functions and elements of the structural design of the so-called measurement modules that are specialized for power quality measurement instruments.
Key-words: power quality, recorder, measurement modules.
Pages from: 365 to: 370
Language of the report: russian
VIII.2. Comparative analysis of frequency digital measurement methods in power networks

Comparative analysis of frequency digital measurement methods in power networks
1) Serov A. 2) Shatokhin A.
1) NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14, 2) NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st. 14,
Abstract: In the report two methods of frequency measurement are considered: the cross zero technique method and a method, based on the analytical description of a signal spectrum. The description of each method is presented in the text of the report, the main advantages and disadvantages are specified, features of practical realization are considered. The main directions of modification of each method, the realization directed on simplification and increase of metrological characteristics are shown. By modeling in a software package of Matlab the analysis of metrological characteristics of the considered methods for cases is carried out: sinusoidal voltage; the polyharmonic voltage; the combined voltage (sinusoidal voltage and white noise; sinusoidal voltage and flicker of a sinusoidal form).
Key-words: frequency measurement, measurement error, Fourier discrete transform, signal inter-polation.
Pages from: 371 to: 376
Language of the report: russian
VIII.3. Power quality internet -monitoring of transformer substation RTP-34 MPEI for engineering education .

Power quality internet -monitoring of transformer substation RTP-34 MPEI for engineering education .
1) Lev Khruslov 2) Mikhail Rostovikov 3) Vladimir Shishov
1) MPEI, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st., 14, e-mail: 2) MPEI, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st., 14, e-mail: 3) MPEI, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya st., 14, e-mail:
Abstract: Fragment of an educational program on the basis of online-monitoring of the power quality parameters is discussed. To date, there is a decrease in consumption of electricity in three-phase networks with linear loads of 6-10 kV and increased consumption in single-phase 0.4 kV networks. Because the active introduction of power electronic equipment (TV, computers, servers, compact fluorescent and LED bulbs, office equipment, etc.) is the emergence of higher harmonics in the 0.4 kV networks. Higher harmonics cause additional energy losses in distribution transformers and wires. On the working distribution transformer substation 7000kVA MEI (RTP-34), a comprehensive system for onlinemonitoring of current electric power quality parameters using these parameters in the educational process via the Internet. Remote access via the Internet to the actual industrial equipment has allowed to create a fundamentally new educational infrastructure of the educational process. At common coupling points RTP-34 measure electrical parameters on the high side - 10kV (12 voltages, 42 currents) and low side - 0.4 kV (15 voltages, 99 currents). The measured instantaneous values of voltages and currents of the three phases are calculated values of the total and active power, quality factors and other parameters. Performed spectral analysis of voltage and current harmonics up to the fortieth. Evaluated the contribution of individual harmonics in the level of additional losses. The effectiveness of the active filter is discussed.
Key-words: quality, internet-monitoring, harmonic distortion, additional power losses, active harmonic filter.
Pages from: 377 to: 385
Language of the report: russian
VIII.4. Selection of Current Measuring Transformers According Determinative Metrology Characteristics

Selection of Current Measuring Transformers According Determinative Metrology Characteristics
1) Atanas Popov 2) George Milushev
1) EVN Bulgaria Epektrorazpredelenie EAD, Plovdiv, 37 Hr. G Danov str. , 2) Technical University - Sofia, 8 “Kl. Ohridski” Bvd.,
Abstract: The report reflecting the experience of gained in the selection of the measuring current transformers according to technical and metrological characteristics. The process of selection of measuring instruments is based on a metrology analysis of the appropriate parameters for measuring instruments according to the initial conditions setting out the requirements in accordance with the standards in the field, additional requirements concerning certain specific (regional and operational requirements different from or not covered by European standards) to ensure the entire process of measuring, control and meter data processing and validation.
Key-words: measuring transformer, accuracy, errors, standard magnetic permeability
Pages from: 386 to: 391
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) O. Velychko 2) S. Karpenko
1) SE «Ukrmetrteststandard», 4, Metrologichna Str., Kyiv, e-mail: 2) SE «Ukrmetrteststandard», 4, Metrologichna Str., Kyiv,
Abstract: The features of electrical power and the use of measuring instruments of electrical power in different climates conditions. The long-term temperature instability of the reference comparator electrical power was research from 2009 to 2014. Built graphic dependence of the effect of temperature instability in the measurement of electrical power.
Key-words: temperature instability, electric power, comparator, oven, standard.
Pages from: 392 to: 397
Language of the report: russian
VIII.6. Measuring of the critical streamere speed

Measuring of the critical streamere speed
1) Volodymyr Kniaziev 2) Oleksandr Chernukhin
1) Research & Design Institute “Molniya” NTU “KhPI, Shevchenko str. 47, Kharkiv, e-mail: 2) Research & Design Institute “Molniya” NTU “KhPI, Shevchenko str. 47, Kharkiv,
Abstract: The method of estimation of the critical streamer speed, based on the synchronous measuring of tension on a discharge interval and current of streamer from lighting rod, is expounded. On the basis of the obtained data the value of streamer speed is determined on every area of discharge interval. The hasp of air interval is as an example considered long a 1,2 m. The value of streamer speed changed from 1,8∙104 m/s to 1,1∙106 m/s. Results well comport with the results got other methods.
Key-words: long air interval, streamer, speed, current, oscillogram.
Pages from: 398 to: 402
Language of the report: russian
VIII.7. A computer measuring system for investigation of dynamic and static characteristics of the electric arc

A computer measuring system for investigation of dynamic and static characteristics of the electric arc
1) Valentin Mateev 2) Rosen Tanev 3) Iliana Marinova
1) Department of Electrical Apparatus Technical University of Sofia, e-mail: 2) Department of Electrical Apparatus Technical University of Sofia, e-mail:, 3) Department of Electrical Apparatus Technical University of Sofia, e-mail:
Abstract: This article present computer measuring system made to study alternating current electric arcdischarge processes in electrical apparatus. Created computer measuring system is used to determine the static and dynamic arc characteristics at low voltage. The simulation process is performed by experimental setup associated with DAQ (Data Acquisition) device and a personal computer. Software package LabVIEW is used together with required drivers. The measured parameters of the discharge process are used in virtual instrument through which execute all needed calculations necessary to obtain the dynamic and steady-state characteristics.
Key-words: Electrical arc discharge, steady-state and dynamic arc characteristics, computer modeling,switching devices
Pages from: 403 to: 408
Language of the report: bulgarian


IX.1. About the Measurement of Form and Position Deviations of Large -Scale Shafts’ Surfaces

About the Measurement of Form and Position Deviations of Large -Scale Shafts’ Surfaces
1) Velizar Vassilev 2) Georgi Dukendjiev
1) Technical University of Sofia, 2) Technical University of Sofia,
Abstract: Different methods for calculation of the deviations from form and position of large-scale shafts’ surfaces are analyzed by the measurement of the radial and axial run-out followed by transformation of the measurement results to a virtual datum axis. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are also analyzed and recommendations for their application are given.
Key-words: large-scale shafts, deviation from form and position, virtual datum axis.
Pages from: 411 to: 415
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.2. Distance calibration of measuring devices for geometric parameters

Distance calibration of measuring devices for geometric parameters
1) Georgi Dukendjiev 2) Petya Petrova
1) Technical University - Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski St., 2) Technical University - Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski St.,
Abstract: Internet calibration is a combination of functions of the Software and Internet technologies for calibration. Calibration software is responsible for automating the measurement process using computer environment. Computers process information, helping it to be created and displayed, stored, reorganizarana calculated and transmitted with great speed and accuracy. Existing Internet technologies paved the way for the development of calibration systems on the Internet, remote monitoring of measurement equipment, network access to metrological software libraries and generated over time calibration data. The paper examines the development and implementation of Internet calibration of measuring instruments. Available scheme Internet calibration of measurement of geometric quantities.
Key-words: Internet calibration, measuring devices, geometric parameters
Pages from: 416 to: 419
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Rositsa Miteva 2) Dimitar Dichev 3) Dimitar Diakov
1) TU-Sofia, Kl. Ohridski blvd. 8, Sofia, e-mail: 2) TU-Gabrovo, Hadzhi Dimitar str. 4, Gabrovo, e-mail: 3) TU-Sofia, Kl. Ohridski blvd. 8, Sofia, e-mail:
Abstract: The means and systems used for coordinate measurements are characterized by a variety of deviations, connected with the practical realization of the pivot coordinate system. In order to compensate for these errors and to eliminate the incorrectness in converting, it is necessary to be used a reference coordinate system. One of the most rational means for its implementation for real metrological procedures is on the basis of computer-modeled reference elements. In this work is presented a mathematical model of a virtual gauge for coordinate measuring. The model is developed on the basis of the actual law for distribution of value measurement. The basic properties of the error, characterizing the accuracy of the virtual referent element are formulated.
Key-words: virtual gauge, coordinate measuring, linear and angular values
Pages from: 420 to: 426
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Elitsa Tomova-Damyanova
1) Technical University – Sofia, 8 St. Kliment Ohridski Blv, e-mail:
Abstract: This report presents important legal regulation documents for the general requirements in servicing of medical devices with sources of ionizing radiation. More specifically it examines the requirements that a customer service organization, outside of the medical institution, must meet in order to provide such services.
Key-words: ionizing radiation, medical devices, regulation, directive, standard, license, safety
Pages from: 427 to: 433
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.5. Virtual system for determining the errors of measurement results

Virtual system for determining the errors of measurement results
1) Krasimir Galabov
1) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd.,,
Abstract: This article examines a virtual system based on the sequence of a laboratory exercise. By using the functionality possibility of LabVIEW and NI ELVIS II are realized virtual instruments for measuring and processing of the results for multiple measurements, including the existence of gross errors, verification of the hypothesis of a normal distribution and least squares method.
Key-words: Virtual instrument, LabVIEW, NI ELVIS II, measurements, processing of results
Pages from: 434 to: 438
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.6. Determining the Actual Conversion factor of Vibration Transducers with Virtual Instrument for Calibration

Determining the Actual Conversion factor of Vibration Transducers with Virtual Instrument for Calibration
1) Bozhidar Dzhudzhev
1) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd.,
Abstract: This article shows one step of the calibration of vibration transducers using comparison method. A virtual instrument is developed using the programming environment LabVIEW, which contains 3 sub instruments. The first sub instrument simulate signals derived from the reference and the calibrated vibration transducers, the second finds the amplitude of the base frequency and the third processes these signals. The treatment consists in detecting the actual conversion factor of the calibrated vibration transducer and its uncertainty
Key-words: Virtual instrument, calibration, uncertainty, actual conversion factor, LabVIEW
Pages from: 439 to: 444
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.7. Research in Information System capabilities of light fuels measurement in a laboratory

Research in Information System capabilities of light fuels measurement in a laboratory
1) Ekaterina Gospodinova 2) Veselka Ivancheva
1) ТУ- София, ФА, София, „Климент Охридски”8, 2) ТУ- София, ФА, София, „Климент Охридски”8,
Abstract: This article examines the technical solution and capabilities of an information system for light fuel level measurement in a laboratory. The influence of temperature, volume of tank and position of probe have been measured.
Key-words: Information System, magnetostrictive transducer, light fuel, software, volume, level, temperature
Pages from: 445 to: 450
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.8. Internal Calibration of Measurement Tools for Electrical Safety Inspection

Internal Calibration of Measurement Tools for Electrical Safety Inspection
1) George Milushev 2) Kameliya Kirilova 3) Kaloyan Stanev 4) Daniel Chiflishki
1) Technical University –Sofia, 8 Kliment Ohridski Blvd, 2) UNITECH CONTROL” Ltd., 48 „Gurko” Str., 3) Graduate TU, Faculty of Automatics, Department EIT, 4) Graduate TU, Faculty of Automatics, Department EIT,
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the procedures, developed for internal calibration of measurement tools for Electrical Safety Inspections CA 6115N and C.A. 6116 on parameters: LOOP resistance, insulation resistance, RCD breakers and continuity for the purposes of Accredited Inspection Body "Unitech Control".
Key-words: electrical safety, calibration, inspection, measurement tools
Pages from: 451 to: 456
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.9. Monitoring of oxygen in the Black Sea on data from Argo APEX buoy 6900804

Monitoring of oxygen in the Black Sea on data from Argo APEX buoy 6900804
1) Nikolay Nikolov 2) Antonia Pandelova
1) Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Automatics, 2) Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Automatics,
Abstract: In the last years on the study of the characteristics of the World Ocean are actively working. These studies are expensive and labor-intensive, and therefore no information is available, especially in the deep layers. One of the funded programs to monitor of ocean is Argo, which aim is to study ocean to 2000 m depth using profiling floats equipped with various sensors. Examine the content of dissolved oxygen is very important for the study of the marine ecosystem, especially in the Black Sea, which is one of the largest oxygen-free pools on the planet. The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm in MATLAB to calculate the concentration of dissolved oxygen in seawater by using the data for pressure, temperature, salinity and attenuation of blue light of a probe Argo 6900804 in the Black Sea for one profile.
Key-words: oxygen concentration , Aandera Optode, Program Argo, Black Sea
Pages from: 457 to: 460
Language of the report: bulgarian
IX.10. Photometer HI 83203 and its use to measure dissolved oxygen in liquids

Photometer HI 83203 and its use to measure dissolved oxygen in liquids
1) Nikolay Nikolov
1) Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Automatics,
Abstract: Different methods and apparatus for the study of dissolved oxygen in liquids are exist. One of the easiest and most convenient way is HI 83203 photometer that operates by the method of Winkler. The purpose of this study is to examine what is the concentration of dissolved oxygen of tap water in the laboratory 2440 at the Technical University of Sofia using the HI 83203 photometer.
Key-words: photometer HI 83203, dissolved oxygen, water
Pages from: 461 to: 464
Language of the report: bulgarian


X.1. Assuring the quality of analytical measurement results

Assuring the quality of analytical measurement results
1) Olga Ponomareva
1) FSUE "UNIIM" Krasnoarmeyskaya., 4, Yekaterinburg,
Abstract: Techniques of quantitative chemical analysis (TQCA) (analytical measurement techniques) are a variant of measurement procedures. The task of TQCA users is a confirmation of measurement results of compliance with the requirements, including the requirements for measurement accuracy, which are installed in the development and validation of TQCA. This problem is solved in the process of internal and external control of accuracy of routine measurement results. When analysts need to use internal control tool in the CIS, they may use in this case RMG 76 "GSI. Internal quality control of results of quantitative chemical analysis". Currently document revised to reflect the implementation of the concept of measurement uncertainty and changes in specific algorithms quality control of analytical measurement results. The most effective form of external quality control of measurement results are interlaboratory comparisons.
Key-words: Analytical measurements techniques, techniques of quantitative chemical analysis (TQCA), accuracy control, measurement results, accuracy rates, response error, uncertainty, interlaboratory comparisons
Pages from: 467 to: 472
Language of the report: russian
X.2. Measurement uncertainty chastototnoy reflection coefficient of transverse ultrasonic freestyle from the interface of fused quartz - oils

Measurement uncertainty chastototnoy reflection coefficient of transverse ultrasonic freestyle from the interface of fused quartz - oils
1) O. Hakimov 2) U. Hakimov
1) NII Standardization, Metrology and Certification Agency "Uzstandard" 2) Office of Technical Politicy, conformity and quality systems of the Agency "Uzstandard" Tashkent str. Chuponota 9B. E-mail:;;
Abstract: Chastototnye measured reflection coefficient of the transverse (shear) ultrasonic free from the interface fused quartz - vegetable oil at a temperature of 20 oC. Justified the use of linearization method for estimating the reflection coefficient and accuracy characteristics. The formulas for assessing the combined standard uncertainty of measurements and estimated measurement uncertainty. Found that the largest contribution to the combined standard uncertainty of measurement of the reflection coefficient, introduces an uncertainty of measurement of the amplitude of ultrasound after applying the sample liquid at the working surface acoustic cell.
Key-words: reflection coefficient, the uncertainty, the total standard, ultrasound, impedance, fused quartz.
Pages from: 473 to: 479
Language of the report: russian
X.3. High-accurate measurements of thread gages using the Labconcept NANO horizontal instrument

High-accurate measurements of thread gages using the Labconcept NANO horizontal instrument
1) A.А. Mosckalev
1) VNIIM, department of geometrical measurements, St.-Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 19, е-mail:
Abstract: The short overview of measuring capabilities of the world national metrological institutes in the field of measurements of thread gages for plain and tapered threads is represented. The description of the horizontal instrument from the State first echelon substandard of unit of length - meter of VNIIM is given. The general technical and metrological characteristics of the instrument used for the measurements of thread gages are described.
Key-words: thread, thread gages, horizontal instrument, pitch diameter.
Pages from: 480 to: 485
Language of the report: russian
X.4. Current state and perspectives of control and measurement of gears and gearing

Current state and perspectives of control and measurement of gears and gearing
1) Branko Sotirov 2) Stoycho Ivanov 3) Danko Tonev
1) University of Rousse ‘Angel Kanchev’, 8 Studentska Street, Rousse e-mail:, 2) University of Rousse ‘Angel Kanchev’, 8 Studentska Street, Rousse e-mail: 3) University of Rousse ‘Angel Kanchev’, 8 Studentska Street, Rousse e-mail:
Abstract: This paper presents a method for determining the gear cumulative pitch error by reducing the number of measurements. Detailed examination of the causes which contribute to the cumulative error as well as the dependencies, which describe it. Based on the premise that the values of the cumulative error are described using a sinusoidal function, the maximum value of the cumulative error is determined by appropriate measurements in specific areas of the gear crown and through the application of appropriate mathematical apparatus. Performed is a comparison with the results obtained by the standard method. The development in the last few years of the XX century and in the beginning of the XXI century of methods and equipment for measuring geometrical properties has also affected the methods and measurement devices for gear control and measurement. Characteristic for this large group of measurement devices is the development and improvement not only of the measurement devices, but also of the measurement methods known for decades. This paper presents a review of the current state and the perspectives of control and measurement of gears and gearings
Key-words: gear measurement, development of hear control, complex dual flank method for control.
Pages from: 486 to: 494
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.5. Sources of errors occurring in the result of the Double Flank Gear Test

Sources of errors occurring in the result of the Double Flank Gear Test
1) Stoycho Ivanov
1) Ruse University, 7017,Ruse, 8,Studentska str.,
Abstract: Double Flank Gear Test, in practice, is the most commonly used method for checking gear accuracy. If variations between the work gear and the parameters of the master gear are apparent, rolling the two gears together in a tight mesh will result in a change in their center distance. This change reflects the total composite gear action that can be caused by improper gear profile, tooth thickness variations, gear runout or pitch errors. Nicks or scratches in the gear teeth can also contribute to center distance variation.
Key-words: Double Flank Gear Test, Sources of Errors
Pages from: 495 to: 499
Language of the report: bulgarian

1) Nikolay Nikolov
1) KOZLODUY NPP PLC, Kozloduy, Metrological Support Department Ionizing Radiation Measurement Laboratory, e-mail:
Abstract: Calibration methodology of gamma-ray beams is presented and the measurement results following its application.
Key-words: calibration methodology, standard, working standard, gamma-ray beam, measuring means
Pages from: 500 to: 505
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.7. Metrology Assurance of Ionizing Radiation Measurements in Kozloduy NPP Plc .

Metrology Assurance of Ionizing Radiation Measurements in Kozloduy NPP Plc .
1) S. Abrasheva
1) Kozloduy NPP Plc., Department. of Metrology,
Abstract: Ionizing radiation measurements are performed in many areas of technological works and survey activities in Kozloduy NPP Plc., but particulary great importance they hold in radiation protection, control of radioactive releases in environment and in control of technology. The main goals of metrological assurance of ionizing radiation measurements in Kozloduy NPP Plc. have been presented. The relevant activities, performed to achieve expected high quality of measurements in this area and their compliance with national and international regulations have been described. This report is based on the long experience of “Ionizing Radiation Measurements” Laboratory, Department of Metrology.
Key-words: metrology assurance, industrial metrology, legal metrology, calibration, metrology verification
Pages from: 506 to: 511
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.8. Research of white reference materials for diffuse reflection

Research of white reference materials for diffuse reflection
1) Gergana Blaskova
1) BIM, GD NCM, Sofia, 2 Prof. P. Mutafchiev Str.,
Abstract: This report presents the measurеments of stability, reproducibility, repeatability, and homogeneity of designed in BIM standard reference materials for high diffuse reflection (level of white). Measurements were performed in geometry 0/d in the visible range of the optical spectrum. The purpose is to create white standards for 100% spectral reflectance.
Key-words: spectrophotometer, reflectance, reference materials, standard, calibration
Pages from: 512 to: 517
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.9. Determination of the colorimetric characteristics of white reference materials for reflectance

Determination of the colorimetric characteristics of white reference materials for reflectance
1) Gergana Blaskova 2) Bojana Florian
1) BIM, GD NCM, Sofia, 2 Prof. P. Mutafchiev Str. 2) BIM, GD NCM, Sofia, 2 Prof. P. Mutafchiev Str.
Abstract: This report presents the results of determining the colorimetric characteristics of white reference materials, developed in BIM. A comparison between the values obtained for the developed reference materials and already existing standards has been done. Differences in color have been assessed.
Key-words: spectrophotometer, reflectance, reference materials, standard, colorimetric characteristics
Pages from: 518 to: 524
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.10. Validation of Organoleptic Methods

Validation of Organoleptic Methods
1) Tzvetelin Gueorguiev 2) Svetlin Parvanov 3) Danko Tonev
1) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail: 2) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail: 3) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail:
Abstract: The organoleptic methods are known since ancient times but their applications in manufacturing are not researched sufficiently. In order to prove their adequacy a new method for validation is proposed based on international standards and good practices.
Key-words: rganoleptic methods, validation, ISO 9001, good manufacturing practices (GMP), good laboratory practices (GLP).
Pages from: 525 to: 529
Language of the report: bulgarian
X.11. Experimental Research of Organoleptic Measurement of High Temperatures

Experimental Research of Organoleptic Measurement of High Temperatures
1) Svetlin Parvanov 2) Boris Sakakushev 3) Branko Sotirov
1) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail: 2) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail: 3) University of Ruse ‘A. Kanchev’, Ruse, 8 Studentska street, e-mail:
Abstract: A know application of organoleptic methods is the measurement of temperature when performing heat treatment. This measurement has been practicesd in the past and currently there is no specific and objective data regarding its capabilities, limitations and application conditions.
Key-words: organoleptic methods, measuring of high temperature, sensory analysis
Pages from: 530 to: 534
Language of the report: bulgarian


XI.1. Identifying the risks of incorrect decision in statistical process control

Identifying the risks of incorrect decision in statistical process control
1) Jordanov Rumen 2) Dukendjiev Georgi
1) Technical University - Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski St., 2) Technical University - Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski St.,
Abstract: Statistical methods for process management are undoubtedly important for ensuring product quality. The effect of the application largely depends on the accuracy of the information obtained and the reliability associated with the risk of errors. The present paper considers the possibility to identify the risks of incorrect decision-making when using certain types of control charts as a tool for process control.
Key-words: quality, control, statistical process control
Pages from: 9 to: 11
Language of the report: bulgarian
XI.2. Risk analysis in production, operation and maintenance of alarm equipment

Risk analysis in production, operation and maintenance of alarm equipment
1) Georgi Dukendjiev 2) Teodor Petkov
1) TU - Sofia, 2) TU - Sofia,
Abstract: Quality assurance of security alarm equipment is an essential need for the production and foremost in the operation to ensure reliable operation and safety of consumers. Evaluation of potential risks in production, operation and maintenance of intruder systems and their modules associated with regulatory framework, methodology and application of means to do quality control. The report presents research and analysis of quality in production, operation and maintenance of alarm equipment. An analysis of risk of manufacture and operation and maintenance of alarm equipment develop FME A method. Indicated and assessed potential and possible causes of failure (defect), consequences, and existing preventive and control measures recommended and mandatory ones. Implication is the relationship between the residual risk from the stage of production and operational risk.
Key-words: alarm equipment, quality, risk analysis.
Pages from: 12 to: 18
Language of the report: bulgarian
XI.3. Quality Improvement by Controlling the Educational Process

Quality Improvement by Controlling the Educational Process
1) Rosen Radonov 2) Valentin Videkov 3) Georgi Dukendjiev
1) TU - Sofia, 8 St. Kl. Ohridsky blvd., 2) TU - Sofia, 8 St. Kl. Ohridsky blvd., 3) TU - Sofia, 8 St. Kl. Ohridsky blvd.,
Abstract: The report looks at a specific example related to improving the quality control of the educational process. The results from the improvement of the electronic system for teachers’ workload reporting at the Technical University of Sofia by introducing additional checks of the databases are shown. Below are the advantages of the approach and the specific application of controls. The necessary steps for further development and improvement are reported.
Key-words: electronic governance, electronic education
Pages from: 19 to: 22
Language of the report: bulgarian
XI.4. Use of electronic instruments in Total Quality Managing environs

Use of electronic instruments in Total Quality Managing environs
1) Valentin Videkov 2) Valentin Tsenev
1) TU - Sofia, Sofia, “Kl. Ohridski Street“ 8, 2) “UniPOS” Ltd, Pleven, “San Stefano Street” 47,
Abstract: The report presents a certain example of using electronic instruments in TQM environs. The approach, the application and the final results of TQM SMT training are shown.
Key-words: quality control, quality, surface mount, electronic traning.
Pages from: 23 to: 28
Language of the report: bulgarian
XI.5. Virtual Laboratories for Design of Statistical Control Charts – Requirements and Technologies

Virtual Laboratories for Design of Statistical Control Charts – Requirements and Technologies
1) Radoslav Deliyski 2) Vladislav Slavov
1) TU -Sofia, 8 Kliment Ohridski blvd, e-mail: 2) TU -Sofia, 8 Kliment Ohridski blvd, e-mail:
Abstract: This paper presents the existing technologies for design of statistical control charts as well as their implementation in some of the leading Bulgarian and western Universities. Since there is no currently distance learning virtual laboratories in the field of quality control, requirements for design of such a laboratory are given.
Key-words: virtual instruments; remote access applications, statistical process and quality control, higher education
Pages from: 29 to: 35
Language of the report: english
XI.6. Monitoring System for Quality Improvement of Welding Junction with Ultrasound Welding Machine

Monitoring System for Quality Improvement of Welding Junction with Ultrasound Welding Machine
1) Martin Dimitrov 2) George Milushev 3) Veselka Ivancheva
1) Technical University of Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridsky Blvd., 2) Technical University of Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridsky Blvd., 3) Technical University of Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridsky Blvd.,
Abstract: The paper presents a model of a measurement monitoring system for quality improvement of the welding junctions with Ultrasound Welding Machine. Modern methods and measurement tools are applied for monitoring and control of the quality parameters of the welding junctions before and immediate after the welding process with the aim: creation of effective Quality Monitoring System (QM S). The system will observe and follow the process and the product, will treat and analyse the results necessary for ТQM (Total Quality Management) System.
Key-words: incremental sensor, quality monitoring system, ultrasound welding, welding junction, statistical file, control chart, incoming and ougoing control.
Pages from: 36 to: 44
Language of the report: bulgarian
XI.7. Improving the quality of the process of adjusting the automatic ship routing system to achieve following the desired vessel 's course

Improving the quality of the process of adjusting the automatic ship routing system to achieve following the desired vessel 's course
1) Svetlana Gerganova-Savova
1) Technical University - Varna, Varna, Studentska str.1; e-mail:
Abstract: Quality improvement is related to the primary demands for solving the task of controlling the vessel's movement - to ensure high accuracy, reliability and credibility of the results. There come to the fore, the flow of signals and their processing, as well as the interaction between the input and output connections. Accuracy is defined by the normal operation of the system, the absence of abnormal results, errors and failures. Quality indexes from the automatic ship routing system have been studied, an equation of the dynamics has been worked out and a structural scheme has been drawn and modeled. The quality of the transitional processes, which come as a result in different cases, can be improved through including certain regulator types.
Key-words: Quality, high accuracy, reliability, following the desired vessel's course.
Pages from: 45 to: 48
Language of the report: bulgarian


XII.1. Studying at TU in technical legislation and quality management in compliance with the requirements of the industry

Studying at TU in technical legislation and quality management in compliance with the requirements of the industry
1) Georgi Dukendjiev 2) Мilka Vicheva 3) Irena Nikolova 4) Rumen Jordanov 5) Boriana Ilieva 6) GeorgiStanchev
1) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8, 2) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8, 3) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8, 4) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8, 5) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8, 6) ТU – Sofia, bul. Кl Оhridski 8,
Abstract: In 2008 adopted a new Master in "Technical legislation and quality management" at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University, which included the first 6 subjects related to the problems of standardization and quality. Since 2010 was founded scientific specialty "Standardization", which has defended two PhD dissertations are currently preparing two more. The application area of this research specialty covers a wide range of issues that are currently in Bulgaria and the European Union have not been solved. Master's degree in six years of existence of the "technical legislation and quality management" have completed more than 80 engineers from all fields of technology. This year trained 35 masters. Bulgaria is unique and new to the European Union. It prepares students for the business, public administration and NGOs. Teaching disciplines apply and use standards related to conformity assessment, evaluation of product safety, quality management systems, certification and auditing. Master's degree is unique for Bulgaria and a new European Union. It prepares students for the business, public administration and NGOs. Teaching disciplines apply and use standards related to conformity assessment, evaluation of product safety, quality management systems, certification and auditing.
Key-words: technical legislation and quality management, training, standardization, quality control, conformity assessment.
Pages from: 51 to: 55
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.2. Concept for Updating of Education at the Technical Uni versity – Sofia on Electrical Measurements According to the Industry Demands

Concept for Updating of Education at the Technical Uni versity – Sofia on Electrical Measurements According to the Industry Demands
1) Plamen Tzvetkov 2) Georgi Milushev 3) Ivan Kodjabashev 4) Nikolay Gourov 5) Veselka Ivancheva
1) Technical University – Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 2) Technical University – Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 3) Technical University – Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 4) Technical University – Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 5) Technical University – Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd.,
Abstract: The paper presents elements of the work of the teaching staff of the Department of Electrical Measurements on the project BG051PO001-3.1.07-0018 "Cooperation with Industry to Improve Education at the Technical University - Sofia in Measurement Technique and Quality Management", related to the updating of curriculum and educational programmes for students at the Technical University - Sofia in Electrical Measurements. Regulatory requirements, vision, prerequisites and demands for the learning content, manner of education and teaching methods in Electrical Measurements are presented.
Key-words: Electrical Measurements, Curriculum, Educational Programme, Education, Industry
Pages from: 56 to: 65
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.3. Noise and Vibration education . Experience and good practice – by Brūel & Kjær Uni versity – Denmark , and SPECTRI Ltd . – Bulgaria

Noise and Vibration education . Experience and good practice – by Brūel & Kjær Uni versity – Denmark , and SPECTRI Ltd . – Bulgaria
1) Boris Mihaylov
1) SPECTRI Ltd., 30, “St. T. Turnovski” Str., Sofia,
Abstract: In the recent document, one could find general information re. regular educational programme in noise and vibration field – maintained by Brūel & Kjær University – Denmark, and SPECTRI Ltd. – Bulgaria.
Key-words: noise, vibrations, education
Pages from: 66 to: 68
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.4. Research of influence of random factors evaluating the quality of training students for the level of incidence of various scales

Research of influence of random factors evaluating the quality of training students for the level of incidence of various scales
1) Kondrashov S. I. 2) Drozdova T. V.
1) NTU «KPI», Kharkiv, 21, Frunze str., e-mail: 2) NTU «KPI», Kharkiv, 21, Frunze str., e-mail:
Abstract: An approach to the evaluation of the quality level of training that can be described with the help of verbal data is considered. The membership functions of the object described by means of a national scale and the scale of the European credit transfer system ECTS is analyzed.Due to the complexity of the description of the systems studied and the presence of incompleteness and uncertainty of raw data is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy sets using a model of management "situation-action". This model is based on a comparison of the current situation with fuzzy reference situation, which corresponds to a certain control action.For a correct comparison the level of inclusion (of the incidence) is proposed to use. The impact of random factors on the form of the membership functions and the level of the incidence is examined.
Key-words: Estimation of quality, the theory of fuzzy sets, education system, the membership function, the level of the incidence, student learning, ordinal scale, the scale of ECTS.
Pages from: 69 to: 73
Language of the report: russian
XII.5. Total Quality Control (TQM) training for efficient manufacturing

Total Quality Control (TQM) training for efficient manufacturing
1) Valentin Tsenev
1) “UniPOS” Ltd, Pleven, “San Stefano Street” 47,
Abstract: The report presents a certain example of using TQM elements in the electronic production. The approach, the application and the final company results of TQM training are shown.
Key-words: quality control, quality, electronic production
Pages from: 74 to: 78
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.6. Study and Analysis of Educational Programmes for Updating the Programme on "Metrology and Measurement Technique " at the Technical University - Sofia

Study and Analysis of Educational Programmes for Updating the Programme on "Metrology and Measurement Technique " at the Technical University - Sofia
1) Hristo Radev 2) Veselka Ivancheva 3) Nikolay Gourov 4) Vasil Bogev
1) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 2) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 3) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 4) Technical University - Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd.,
Abstract: The paper presents a study on educational programmes to determine the requirements and practices in teaching metrology and measurement technique for bachelor and master degree in Bulgaria and Europe. Studies have been made according to the project BG051PO001-3.1.07-0018 "Cooperation With Industry to Improve Education at the Technical University - Sofia in Measurement Technique and Quality Management (ITUK)" and are used in creating bachelor degree and updating master degree in "Metrology and Measurement Technique" at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University – Sofia.
Key-words: Metrology, Measurement Technique, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Cooperation with Industry, Education, Curriculum
Pages from: 79 to: 85
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.7. Vertical structural elements in ICT university programs for sustainable upgrade of secondary education

Vertical structural elements in ICT university programs for sustainable upgrade of secondary education
1) Georgi Petrov 2) Vasil Kadrev 3) Anushka Stancheva 4) Antoni Slavinski 5) Ivan Bogomilov
1) NBU, Sofia, 21 Montevideo е-mail:, 2) NBU, Sofia, 21 Montevideo е-mail:, 3) NBU, Sofia, 21 Montevideo е-mail:, 4) NBU, Sofia, 21 Montevideo е-mail:, 5) NBU, Sofia, 21 Montevideo е-mail:
Abstract: This report describes a new conceptual architecture of the academic curriculum that realizes open access to the curriculum excluding the historical relationships informing the foundation of knowledge, and opens the market of educational services to other providers, such as colleges, private academies and practical hands on experience. Presented model permits the development of competition and does not put the operators of educational services in new entrants or dominant position, thus the concepts found in real terms realization of new undergraduate program in Network Engineering at New Bulgarian University.
Key-words: Innovation, ICT Education, Online Education, Vertical Model
Pages from: 86 to: 94
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.8. Implementation of an educational application for visuali zation of digital processing and analysis of electrocardiograms

Implementation of an educational application for visuali zation of digital processing and analysis of electrocardiograms
1) Polina Mihova 2) Georgi Petrov 3) Simona Jekova 4) Milena Kaneva
1) N0a, Montevideo 21 str, 2) N0a, Montevideo 21 str, 3) N0a, Montevideo 21 str, 4) N0a, Montevideo 21 str,
Abstract: This report aims to present the realization of a specialized LabView application designed to train students in disciplines related to digital signal processing and recording of bioelectric signal. The software implements some standard methods for low band and high frequency filtering of ECG signals prior normalization of signals, statistical equalization of signals, methods for detection of baseline ECG signal and variety of algorithms for QRS complexes detection. The application allows users to manipulate both the parameters of individual modules for filtration and treatment, as well to explore methods themselves as LabView block diagrams.
Key-words: Lab View, medical signal, signal processing
Pages from: 95 to: 98
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.9. Methodological development of a laboratory exercise to measure electrical quantities with virtual instruments

Methodological development of a laboratory exercise to measure electrical quantities with virtual instruments
1) Vladislav Slavov 2) Veselka Ivancheva 3) Plamen Tsvetkov 4) Georgi Milushev
1) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8, 2) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8, 3) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8, 4) TU - Sofia, Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8,
Abstract: A methodological development of a laboratory exercise for measuring various electrical parameters with the use of the virtual instruments that are embedded in the workstation NI ELVIS II is presented in this paper. In the process of conducting the laboratory exercise different teaching methods are applied such as lecture, demonstration, individual work, explanation, problem solving. We use methods of scientific knowledge such as monitoring, data collection, analysis, summary, presentation and interpretation of results.
Key-words: virtual digital multimeter, virtual oscilloscope , virtual generator, virtual spectrum analyzer, LabVIEW environment station NI ELVIS II, laboratory exercise, methodological development.
Pages from: 99 to: 105
Language of the report: bulgarian
XII.10. Virtual Laboratory Exercise for Electrical Current Measurement with an Analogue Ammeter

Virtual Laboratory Exercise for Electrical Current Measurement with an Analogue Ammeter
1) Vladislav Slavov
1) TU - Sofia, bul. Kliment Ohridksi 8,
Abstract: This report describes the operation of a virtual laboratory exercise to measure electrical current. The exercise is built on an interactive virtual instrument created in the envorenment of LabVIEW. The report refers to the tendency to introduce additional, interactive tools for training engineering students with options for remote access to the educational environment. The virtual exercise was developed under the project BG051PO001-4.3.04-0058 "Innovative forms of distance learning in Bulgarian universities."
Key-words: virtual laboratory, virtual instrument, remute access, shunt resistor.
Pages from: 106 to: 110
Language of the report: bulgarian